La traumatizada
Jessica Carmona-Ramirez
Grade: 12
Card Number: 49
Refran: "A pair of tear-filled eyes realize real lies,
Toxic love's embrace a painful offering"
Card Description: For my Loteria Card I wanted to share my thoughts on toxic/unhealthy relationships. I chose as a subject matter because a lot of people tend of romanticize them and think that their behavior in them is acceptable when in reality it's the complete opposite. The colors in the piece represent the eyes of the majority of people who tend to be in them and the pain that's a result of this. The images in the piece represent what the hard reality of this topic is and it emotionally can damage you. For me personally, this card represents what I mainly always see and think of when I hear the words of toxic and relationships combined. I want the audience to see that this is something to not be taken lightly and that it's important to know the aspects of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Student Biography: My name is Jessica Carmona-Ramirez, and I am a senior at Santa Maria High School. I live in Santa Maria, California with my parents and my oldest sister along with her 3 kids, 2 of my nephews and one of my nieces. 2 of my oldest sisters also live in Santa Maria as well with my 2 other nephews and 2 other nieces (their own kids, 2 kids each), they don't live in the same household as me, but they're my family. In my Loteria card, I chose to represent toxic/unhealthy relationships. What inspired me to draw my Loteria card was that in this generation most teens or even people in general tend to romanticize it and think it's normal. I once have been in an unhealthy relationship, but this was in 8th grade, so I'll admit I didn't know what was healthy and unhealthy. One of my family members is in one and it bugs me so much that she thinks it's okay and especially for her kids. That's one of the main reasons for my topic on this. The artistic process that I really enjoyed was the painting part and getting to mix colors in order to get the right shades I needed. Also, seeing the overall painting coming along and looking more put together once it was all finished up. Life after high school will be to go to a 4-year university and continue my education in order to peruse my dream of becoming a veterinarian.