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El campo

Jose A Gonzalez-Meza

Refran: "Farmers do a lot of work in farming   

so people like us won't be starving"

Card Description: For my Loteria Card I wanted to share my thoughts on Field workers. I chose field workers as a subject matter because I want to bring attention to conditions they have to face. The colors in the piece represent brown represents the dirt and green the crops. The images in the piece represent the fields with the crops and 2 workers still having the whole field to work in. For me personally, this card represents workers working in the fields. I want the audience to see how hard the field workers work..

Student Biography: My name is Jose Meza and I am a senior at Santa Maria High School. I live in Santa Maria, California with My Dad and Mom and my 2 brothers. My family is from Michoacán, Jiquilpan and Toluca, Cuidad Mexico. In my Loteria card, I chose to represent Fields. What inspired me to draw my Loteria card was because I lived in a farm for more then 10 years surrounded of fields with diffrreent type of crops also because my parents work in the fields doing different things to grow out the crops , Yes, I have experience because I got to see a lot of parents from different kids working for the money day to day ,outside where I lived and saw them do their part of the job very nice experience nothing could beat that experience because I like the ranch more than the city because you actually learn more then what you learn in the city. Yes, because a lot of people really don’t appreciate the field workers and once I got to see a tag by a store here in Santa Maria called el Matador they have a big rock outside and it was tagged saying (WET BACKS) that one way people make fun of them of course they don’t understand because its English and its really not fair. The artistic process to be honest I don’t like painting I just tried my best. Life after high school will be pretty good if my plans go the way I have it planed one thing I want to do is create my landscaping company.

Grade: 12

Card Number: 28

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