La Tristeza
Jennifer Perez
Refran: "All those tear drops made a puddle of loneliness."
Card Description: none
Student Biography: My name is Jennifer Perez. I was born in Santa Maria California, and I come from a family of 3. I enjoy helping others when I see them need some extra help and I'm a good listener. My plan after high school is to go to a four-year college and I plan on majoring in Public Health. One of the things I love to do is going shopping and taking pictures with my family. My topic for my Loteria project is depression. The reason I had picked this topic is because I struggle with this mental health. I also picked this topic because nobody really talks about this mental health problem and a lot of people struggle with it. Depression causes you to be emotional half of the time and when I had depression, I was sad and always crying. I just wanted to bring awareness to this topic because people are ignorant and judge people with this mental health. I had dedicated my drawing due to a personal story because when I was going through depression I had gone outside while it was raining, and I was just alone at that time I felt so lonely. So, in the picture I had drawn an eye with tears coming down and rain that made a puddle. My Refran said “All those tear drops made a puddle of loneliness”. This is my message towards my Loteria Project I want people to understand this awareness.
Grade: 12
Card Number: 44