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El Sueno Americano

Coline Cruz Porras

Refran: "All the sacrifice you’ve had to go through has a reward at the end ."

Card Description: none

Student Biography:   My name is Coline Cruz ,17, I was born in the county of Fresno, California,  moved to the city of Santa Maria at the age of 3. I come from a family of 8,  my 3 older siblings, and 2 younger ones, and both my parents. My hobbies  consist of athletics. I usually spend my time at school in the wrestling room,  and the gym. Sometimes I’m out at the parks playing soccer. One of my  past sports was the martial arts. After high school I’m planning to join the  Marine Corps, and or obtaining my BA in criminology.  My loteria card was mainly about how people come here for a better life.  The idea it’s self-came to be because I personally put myself in to their  shoes. Even though I am a natural born US citizen I dealt with not having  my parents around so I got the idea and motivation to go to school and  persevere in some way so that I could be around for my kids if I ever  decide to have kids. “All the sacrifice you’ve had to go through has a  reward at the end”. I got that saying from my parents because even  though they keep working they started with nothing they got here with  nothing and now they’re giving us what we need, but they had to sacrifice  meals, sleep but overall, their parents. So, me graduating is offering them a  better future, a future that promises them peace and happiness.

Grade: 12

Card Number: 6

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