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El Comienzo

Kevin Martinez- Ramirez

Refran: "As your childhood whispers away, women hood comes singing along to stay."

Card Description: none

Student Biography: My name is Kevin Martinez. I was born in Santa Maria,  California and I come from a family of 5. I love playing volleyball  for my school and love hanging out with my girlfriend. After  graduation I plan to go to college on a volleyball scholarship or  go to a trade school to become an electrician or contractor.  El Comienzo is about the famous tradition of the  Quinceanera. On my Loteria card I demonstrated the  celebration of the Quinceanera by illustrating a young girl  standing on a hill looking forward to a sunrise. I decided to use  the image of a sunrise to represent the new chapter of life that  she is going to go through. It interprets it perfectly because just  how a sunrise signals the start of a new day, she is being  introduced to the beginning of a new chapter of her life. The  hills she is standing on signifies what comes next isn’t going to  be easy to navigate and that she will have ups and downs but at  the end she will see the true beauty of this world. And finally,  the beach is the beauty of the world that she will get to  experience.

Grade: 12

Card Number: 43

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