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La Paz

Carlos A. Nicolas-Brigido

Refran: "It lights up the room when times get dark.     

messages of security, warmth, and hope roam around"

Card Description: none

Student Biography: I was born in Santa Maria, California. I live in a household with my mom and dad Carlos  and Cristina and my two brothers Brandon and Angel. I'm the oldest of us 3. I like playing  basketball or playing sports and listening to music. After high school I plan on living the  American dream and own multiple properties. I just to want to live life to the fullest and make  sure the people around me have a good life as well. I plan on taking a different route than going  to college and plan on completing my goals at a young age. My parents are my biggest  motivation and are my biggest teachers. They will never stop trying to make me the best version  of myself. I want to accomplish bigger milestones that would make my parents proud.  The message of my painting is peace, tranquility, and hope. I painted what I pictured to  be a clean nice painting of a wax candle in a dark room and the candle lighting up the dark room.  A lit-up candle has multiple meanings as I mentioned you name the occasion, but it will always  bring some sort of light. I wanted a dark background because it is not always going to be  rainbows and sunshine, there will be those dark days when you may feel out of hope and rock  bottom. Those times aren't rare and can take you to a dark place. I wanted the candle to pop and  be the main center of attention since it is my topic. But I tried making the dark background  lighter towards the candle so it could represent the light the candle is glowing. I wanted to spread  the bright colors around the candle and fire so it can represent light like the sun when it brightens  up your day. I wanted my refran to be short and straight to the point with bit of poem vibes.

Grade: 12

Card Number: 27

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