La Inflation
Nathaniel Garcia
Refran: "When its taken over by greed
No one seems to Agree"
Card Description: none
Student Biography: My name is Nathaniel Garcia. I was born in Santa Maria, living here for a couple of years until I moved to Las Vegas and then came back. I live with my mom and have 3 brothers and 1 sister. Some things I like doing is drawing or play basketball, in my freer time I also enjoy playing video games. Plans after high school are to go to a trade school and learn about welding and becoming an electrician. I also wish to learn more skills that will benefit me more and help out, to get me into what I want to do after high school. La Inflation is my Loteria card that is basically about that title “Inflation”. While making this painting I needed to find ways to come up with an image and title for my card to describe the story and the effects inflation has on society. The bite into an apple with a quarter is supposed to resemble how each time someone buys something, their money gets eaten up. The drawing gave it more of a front angle to show off everything as much as possible to be visualized and looked at for more than what it is. It makes you think about the struggles and everything when you see others that can't afford food just because of its price now and days, even if they have a job, it's still a struggle. Something I learned about myself is that I can get a chance to see not only mine, but everyone else's topics and each other's opinion on them.
Grade: 12
Card Number: 17