El Trauma
Jocelyn Venegas-Sonato
Refran: "The feeling sticks in you like a tattoo that stays there forever."
Card Description: none
Student Biography: My name is Jocelyn Venegas. I was born in Santa Maria and come from a family of five including me. I enjoy doing nails on people, and spending quality time with my family. I am a first generation in my family, since I’m the oldest in my siblings. After I graduate, I hope to attend to Chico State University and major in Nursing. El Trauma is about the traces of the other person left on your body forever, and you lose trust in people who are close to you, since they chose to go against you instead of support you. I decided to add a hot pink to the background since for me that describes a little girl’s favorite color and how innocent they are. I feel like the color choice describes innocence a lot since all we worry about as little kids is favorite colors and toys when we were in our childhood. I added a young girl in the middle of the canvas, representing putting the victim on the spot and calling them out. Further, I added on handprints on her body, which shows how and where she was touched. Many people assume they were only touched like a hand on their back or touched by accident since they don’t get to see where it was, but a victim always remembers where they have been touched which was represented by the red handprints. I chose to design her pajamas with clouds since it shows purity. At first, I wanted to add on a blurred face which was going to describe how she felt, and she noticed that she was disappearing, but I chose not to since I felt like a face fit better, which also showed how damaged she feels. I selected to add words in the background which a lot of people tend to say to victims of sexual assault, and that’s also a pretty big deal. It lowers their self-esteem if their getting harassed with harsh words. In her hair I added pigtails, which I felt a need to add since it’s also a hairstyle we wear as little girls. Our moms like to do our hair, which also represents innocence. I tried a lot to portray how much it affects girls especially when their young, since that’s the time it’s common when their assaulted.
Grade: 12
Card Number: 34